Women making history

Sweet Briar College
Branding, digital campaign, philanthropic messaging

A young Asian woman defiantly shouting toward the camera. Image text: Find your voice.

The Challenge

Our partnership with Sweet Briar College—a women’s college in Virginia—began after it made national headlines. In 2015, the college administration attempted to close Sweet Briar, and the alumnae banded together to prevent it. Our first campaign, “Fierce,” announced that Sweet Briar was back, connecting the college’s tenacity to prospects’ own sense of their indomitable selves.

The Impact

After getting Sweet Briar back on prospects’ radar, we evolved the messaging to “Women Making History” to reflect the college’s new leadership curriculum and sustainable agriculture initiative. In 2020, Sweet Briar saw its highest enrollment retention in 16 years and was named to U.S. News’ list of Most Innovative Colleges.

Project components

  • Branding and testing
  • Messaging for new programs
  • Digital campaign
  • Philanthropic messaging for alumnae
This is fierce. Viewbook cover with a confident college-age latina or white woman.
Who is a dancer. Text of photo dramatic photo of a woman in water in a dance pose.
Sweet Briar Woman. Brochure spread.
An Engineer. Photo of a young white woman holding blueprints, wearing a hard hat.
Sweet Briar website screenshot. Shows a black woman in fur acting or singing.
A powerful environment you'll always call home
Behind every Sweet Briar woman is a team who believes in her
Instagram screenshot. A student proudly gestures at a poster of herself with the text Find your fierce.
Instagram post from Sweet Briar asking for volunteer models. Subject is a black woman in a motorcycle jacket.
Find your Fierce. Subject is a young Latina woman.
Instagram ads. Slogans are Find your passion and Find your voice.
What kind of fierce are you?

Brand Narrative

Banner ad creative.
Banner ad creative.
Banner ad creative.
Text: Amazing things will be expected of you. And you'll deliver.
Text: Our roots are strong and run deep
Color treatments.
Archer font, light
Archer font, bold
Brand guide demonstrating color, typography, and photo conventions.