More than a logo, a home.

Excelsior University
Logo, messaging, identity guidelines

photo of woman in scrubs w Excelsior logomark

As the institution evolved from Excelsior College into Excelsior University, they needed new visual branding to communicate their growth as well as their long-standing commitment to providing a higher education home for adult learners.

We started by creating Excelsior’s brand pillars. Based on those, we crafted a logo evoking a safe, inspirational shelter for students’ dreams. Supported by sturdy columns, an aspirational, ever-upward arrow forms a roof and two open doors providing a welcoming education home for students to grow their life stories.

Project components

  • Geographic market research/data analysis
  • Audience personas
  • Logo/seal
  • Identity guideline updates
  • Social media strategy/content development
  • Marketing plan
  • PR strategy/implementation
  • Website audit
  • Copywriting
Excelsior University logo: Before
Excelsior University logo: After
Excelsior University logo over purple
confident young man in front of cafe
centered version of Excelsior logo
excelsior seal
young woman holding diploma
Brand guide pages
Young man and woman wearing Excelsior sweatshirts